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Curated list of repositories about the influenzanet projects


gRPC Services


Core services:

Influenzanet Surveillance specific project:

Helm Charts (Kuberbenetes installation)

Surveys (Influenzanet Surveillance implementation)

Web client and librairies

Participant web app

Survey Viewer

Application to render survey from survey definition without the need to have the full system running,

Surveys definition can be uploaded or provided by a survey provider service (to share definition across a team for example)

Survey libraries

Web App Core : The core library embedding Participant web app logic

Case Web UI : the UI Components used in several websites

Case Editor Tools

Library to build survey programmatically (used by common-study-definition)

Survey tools

Library to work with surveys (post processing/validation)

Administration tools

Python Administration tool suite

Data Analysis

European Database analysis

Data analysis at the European level, using central database of Influenzanet consortium

Visualization tools

Python script to generate some graphics from the database (map and timeseries) at the country/instance level