Survey weekly

JSON Version b4fba6c3e0a3e8dcf7add92f117c23aaa8fa8a31, built on 2022-03-24 17:02:10.482059

This file describes the survey design at a high level defining elements to enable data sharing and common elements. Legends are presented at the bottom of this file. Documentation is also available


multiple_choice 1 all
Have you had any of the following symptoms since your last questionnaire (or in the past week, if this is your first visit)? For people with chronic (long-term) illnesses, only tick changes in symptoms.
  • Why are we asking this?
  • The key part of this survey is tracking people’s symptoms.
  • How should I answer it?
  • For people with chronic (long-term) illnesses, only tick changes in symptoms. So, if you have chronic shortness of breath (for instance) then only tick this box if this has got worse recently.
Data type of data input(s)
  • Precision about chronic symptoms added on 2021-11 version
Added at 2020-03-26 Added at 2020-03-26 Added at 2020-03-26
0 No symptoms 1 #no_sympt
1 Fever 2 #fever
2 Chills 3 #chills
3 Runny or blocked nose 4 #rhino
4 Sneezing 5 #sneeze
5 Sore throat 6 #sorethroat
6 Cough 7 #cough
7 Shortness of breath 8 #dyspnea
8 Headache 9 #headache
9 Muscle/joint pain 10 #pain
10 Chest pain 11 #chestpain
11 Feeling tired or exhausted (malaise) 12 #asthenia
12 Loss of appetite 13 #anorexia
13 Coloured sputum/phlegm 14 #sputum
14 Watery, bloodshot eyes 15 #wateryeye
15 Nausea 16 #nausea
16 Vomiting 17 #vomiting
17 Diarrhoea 18 #diarrhea
18 Stomachache 19 #abdopain
23 Loss of smell 20 #loss_smell
21 Loss of taste 21 #loss_taste
22 Nose bleed 22 #nose_bleed
20 Rash
  • used only by Italy
23 #rash optional
  • IT
19 Other 24 #other
  • item #no_sympt is exclusive with others
  • - If report any symptoms, check database: was the participant STILL ILL when they last completed the Weekly survey (i.e. they said “I am still ill” in response to Weekly Q4 below last time?) AND have fewer than 15 days elapsed since they last completed the Weekly Survey AND fewer than 15 days have elapsed since their previous date of symptom onset
  • - If Yes: continue with Weekly Q2
  • - If No or Don’t know: then treat this as a “new” bout of illness, continue with Weekly Q3
  • - Of course, this only applies to people who have previously participated


note 2 Added at 2021-11-01
Priority questions: if you have only little time, we propose you to fill only the few following questions, crucial for the surveillance of acute respiratory infections.


single_choice 3
On DATE OF LAST VISIT you reported that you were still ill with symptoms that began on DATE OF FIRST SYMPTOMS REPORTED PREVIOUSLY. Are the symptoms you reported today part of the same bout of illness?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • To make filling out the rest of the survey quicker for you.
  • How should I answer it?
  • If you believe that the symptoms you have reported today are caused by the same bout of illness as your previous symptoms, please tick “yes”.
  • To save you time, we have filled in the information you gave us previously about your illness. Please check that it is still correct, and make any changes – for instance, if you have visited a doctor or taken additional time off work since you last completed the survey.
Data type of data input(s)
0 Yes 1 #yes
1 No 2 #no
2 I don’t know/can’t remember 3 #dontknow
9 Not applicable 4 #not_applicable
  • Shown if If the participant was STILL ILL on their last visit and has reported symptoms this time
  • The #dontknow option here might not apply to people filling it in for themselves but is relevant for people managing accounts for other people.
  • If #no[No] or #dontknow:
  • This means that the current symptoms are the start of a “new” illness: continue with Weekly $Q3
  • If #yes:
  • This means that the current symptoms are the continuation of the same bout of illness as the previous visit. The remainder of the symptoms questionnaire (onset date, further details about symptoms, details about seeking medical attention, treatment, time off work/school) can be pre-filled with their previous answers.
  • The point of the pre-filling is to make the survey quicker and easier for participants who have longer-duration symptoms.


single_choice 4 Inactive Added at 2020-03-12 Removed at 2020-06-20
In the 14 days before your symptoms started, did you travel to an area at risk for new coronavirus infection?
Data type of data input(s)
1 Yes 1 #option_1
0 No 2 #option_2
2 I don’t know 3 #option_3


matrix 5 Inactive Added at 2020-03-12 Removed at 2020-06-20
In which area(s) at risk of infection did you go within 14 days before the onset of your symptoms?
Data type of data input(s)
row1 Latest at-risk country visited 1 #row_1
row2 Second-last at-risk country visited 2 #row_2
row3 Third-last at-risk country visited 3 #row_3
col1 1 #col_1


single_choice 6 Inactive Added at 2020-03-12 Removed at 2020-06-20
In the 14 days before the onset of your symptoms, have you been in contact with one or more people who have stayed in an area at risk of infection with the new coronavirus?
1 Yes 1 #option_1
0 No 2 #option_2
2 I don’t know 3 #option_3


matrix 7 Inactive Added at 2020-03-12 Removed at 2020-06-20
In which area(s) at risk of infection with the new coronavirus these people have been?
Data type of data input(s)
row1 Latest at-risk country visited 1 #row_1
row2 Second-last at-risk country visited 2 #row_2
row3 Third-last at-risk country visited 3 #row_3
col1 Third-last at-risk country visited 1 #col_1


single_choice 8 Added at 2020-03-12
In the 14 days before your symptoms started, have you been in close contact with someone for whom an antigenic test or a PCR test (nasal swab) has confirmed that they have COVID-19?
1 Yes 1 #yes
0 No 2 #no
2 I don’t know 3 #dontknow
  • Shown (if symptoms ($Q1 != {0}) AND (if answers to Q2 weekly other than « Yes »)


single_choice 9 Added at 2020-03-12
Do you live in the same household as that person?
1 Yes 1 #option_1
0 No 2 #option_2
2 I don’t know 3 #option_3
  • Shown if $Qcov3 is [Yes]


single_choice 10 Inactive Added at 2020-03-26 Removed at 2021-11-10
In the 14 days before your symptoms started, have you been in close contact with someone presenting symptoms of COVID-19?
  • Symptoms of COVID-19 include: fever or chills, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, sore muscles and headache.
1 Yes 1 #yes
0 No 2 #no
2 I don’t know 3 #dontknow
  • Shown if any symptoms


single_choice 11 Added at 2020-03-26
Do you live in the same household as that person?
1 Yes 1 #yes
0 No 2 #no
2 I don’t know 3 #dontknow
  • Shown if $Qcov8[Yes]


single_choice 12
When did the first symptoms appear?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • To help us work out the number of cases of COVID-19 and flu that arise each day.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Please give as accurate an estimate as possible.
0 Choose date
  • If checked show date field (Q3_0_open)
1 #choose_date
1 I don’t know 2 #dontknow
  • Shown if symptoms


date 13
  • open field for Q3


single_choice 14
When did your symptoms end?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • Using the beginning and end dates of symptoms we can work out how long respiratory infections last.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Please give as accurate an estimate as possible.
0 Choose date 1 #choose_date
1 I don’t know 2 #dontknow
  • Shown if symptoms


date 15
  • open field for Q4


single_choice 16
Did your symptoms develop suddenly over a few hours?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • Sudden onset of symptoms is believed to be common for COVID-19 and flu.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Tick yes if your symptoms appeared over a few hours rather than gradually developing over a few days.
0 yes 1 #yes
1 No 2 #no
2 I don’t know 3 #dontknow
  • Shown if symptoms


single_choice 17
When did your fever begin?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • Fever is very important for diagnosing COVID-19 and flu, so we want to know when this started.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Please give as accurate an estimate as possible.
1 Choose date
  • open field date if checked
1 #choose_date
2 I don’t know 2 #dontknow
  • Shown if $Q1.#fever


date 18
  • extra field for $Q6#choose_date


single_choice 19
Did your fever develop suddenly over a few hours?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • COVID-19 and flu are often associated with a sudden onset of fever
  • How should I answer it?
  • Tick yes if your fever appeared over a few hours rather than gradually developing over a few days.
0 yes 1 #yes
1 No 2 #no
3 I don’t know 3 #dontknow
  • Shown if $Q1.#fever


single_choice 20
Did you take your temperature?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • COVID-19 and flu often cause a high temperature. However, not everyone takes their temperature when they are ill.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Answer yes, if you took your temperature using a thermometer.
0 yes 1 #yes
1 No 2 #no
2 I don’t know 3 #dontknow
  • Shown if symptoms


single_choice 21
What was your highest temperature measured?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • COVID-19 and flu often cause a high temperature.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Give the highest temperature you recorded during this episode of illness.
0 Below 37° C 1 #below_37
1 37° - 37.4°C 2 #v_370_374
2 37.5° - 37.9°C 3 #v_375_379
3 38° – 38.9°C 4 #v_380_389
4 39° - 39.9°C 5 #v_390_399
5 40°C or more 6 #ge_40
6 I don’t know/can’t remember 7 #dontknow
  • (if symptoms) and (if took temperature $Q6c.#yes)


single_choice 22 Added at 2021-11-10
Thank you for all these information. They will help us to estimate the frequency of symptoms among general population. You can stop here. If you have a little more time, we propose you to answer further questions about your symptoms and care. Do you accept to answer to these additional questions?
1 Yes 1 #yes
0 No 2 #no


single_choice 23 Added at 2021-11-10
Because of your symptoms, did you undergo analyses to know if you have COVID-19?
1 Yes 1 #yes
2 Not yet, I plan to shortly undergo a test 2 #not_yet
3 No, I have a prescription but will not undergo a test 3 #no_wont
0 No 4 #no
  • Shown if symptoms($Q1) and $Q36 = #yes


multiple_choice 24 Added at 2021-11-10
Which analyse(s) was it?
1 A PCR test (virus search, on a swab in nose or mouth, or a sputum or saliva sample) 1 #pcr
2 A serological analysis (screening for antibodies against this virus, from a drop of blood at fingertip or a blood sample) 2 #sero
3 A rapid antigen detection test on a sample realized in the back of the nose (nasopharyngeal sampling, done by a health professional or a trained person, with a swab inserted to 15 cm into the nose, result obtained in less than one hour) 3 #antigenic
4 A rapid antigen detection test or autotest done on a nose sample (a swab inserted to 1 - 4 cm into the nostril, sampling that can be done by oneself, result obtained in a few minutes) 4 #antigenic_nasal
  • Shown if $Q16h=#yes


multiple_choice 25 Inactive Added at 2020-04-28 Removed at [OrderedDict([('date', '2021-11-30'), ('comment', 'Replaced by Qcov16h/Qcov18i')])]
Because of your symptoms, did you undergo analyses to know if you have COVID-19 (infection due to SRAS-CoV-2)?
  • (the participant can select the first and second option together if he wants)
Added at 2020-11-23
1 Yes, a PCR test (virus search, on a swab in nose or mouth, or a sputum or saliva sample) 1 #pcr
2 Yes, a serological analysis (screening for antibodies against this virus, from a drop of blood at fingertip or a blood sample) 2 #sero
5 Yes, a rapid antigen detection test (on a swab in nose or mouth, with a result available in less than an hour) 3 #antigenic
  • FR
3 Not yet, I plan to shortly undergo a test 4 #plan
4 No, I have a prescription but will not undergo a test 5 #wontgo
0 No 6 #no
  • Shown if symptoms
  • Options #pcr , #sero, and #antigenic are exclusive to #no, #plan, #wontgo


single_choice 26
Do you already get the result of this PCR test?
1 Yes, Positive for this new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) 1 #positive
2 Yes, Negative for this new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) 2 #negative
3 Yes, the result is non interpretable 3 #not_interpretable
4 No, I do not have the result yet 4 #no
  • Shown If $Qcov16h.#pcr


single_choice 27 Added at 2021-11-10
Do you know the result of this rapid antigen detection test on nasopharyngeal sample? (if several were performed and at least one was positive, chose the “Positive” answer)?
1 Yes, Positive for this new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) 1 #positive
2 Yes, Negative for this new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) 2 #negative
3 Yes, the result is non interpretable 3 #not_interpretable
99 No, I don’t know/don’t want to answer 4 #no
  • Shown If $Qcov16h.#antigenic


single_choice 28 Added at 2021-11-10
Do you know the result of this antigenic test or self-test on nasal sample? (if several were performed and at least one was positive, chose the “Positive” answer)?
1 Yes, Positive for this new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) 1 #positive
2 Yes, Negative for this new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) 2 #negative
3 Yes, the result is non interpretable 3 #not_interpretable
99 No, I don’t know/don’t want to answer 4 #no
  • Shown If $Qcov16h.#antigenic_nasal


single_choice 29 Inactive Removed at 2020-11-10
Do you already get the result of this serological analysis?
1 Yes, Positive for this new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) 1 #positive
2 Yes, Negative for this new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) 2 #negative
3 Yes, the result is non interpretable 3 #not_interpretable
4 No, I do not have the result yet 4 #no
  • Shown If $Qcov16{2}


single_choice 30 Inactive Removed at 2020-11-10
How much time passed between the beginning of your symptoms and your search of a laboratory which could undergo this analysis?
1 Symptoms appeared the day or the day before the search of a laboratory 1 #days_1
2 Symptoms appeared 2, 3 or 4 days before the search of a laboratory 2 #days_2_4
3 Symptoms appeared 5, 6 or 7 days before the search of a laboratory 3 #days_5_7
4 Symptoms appeared between 8 and 14 days before the search of a laboratory 4 #days_8_14
5 Symptoms appeared between 15 and 28 days before the search of a laboratory 5 #days_15_28
6 Symptoms appeared more than four weeks before the search of a laboratory 6 #over4weeks
99 I don’t know/don’t want to answer 7 #dontknow
  • Shown If Qcov16.#pcr


single_choice 31 Inactive Added at 2020-09-21 Removed at 2021-11-10
How much time passed between the beginning of your symptoms and the sampling?
  • In proposal from 2020,September
1 Symptoms appeared the day or the day before the sampling 1 #days_1
2 Symptoms appeared 2, 3 or 4 days before the sampling 2 #days_2_4
3 Symptoms appeared 5, 6 or 7 days before the sampling 3 #days_5_7
4 Symptoms appeared between 8 and 14 days before the sampling 4 #days_8_14
5 Symptoms appeared between 15 and 28 days before the sampling 5 #days_15_28
6 Symptoms appeared more than four weeks before the sampling 6 #over4weeks
99 I don’t know / don’t want to answer 7 #dontknow
  • Shown If $Qcov16{1}


single_choice 32 Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
Who performed this rapid antigen test?
1 A general practitioner 1 #gp
2 A specialized physician, a dental surgeon or a mid-wife 2 #spec
3 A pharmacist or a pharmacy technician 3 #pharmacist
4 Another health professional (specify)
  • (give the list of all health professional authorized to realize this test in your country)
4 #other_health
5 Another professional (specify)
  • (give the list of all other professionals authorized to realize this test)
5 #other
99 I don’t know or don’t remember 6 #dontknow
  • Shown If $Qcov16{5}
Platforms implementing this question
  • FR


single_choice 33
Because of your symptoms, did you undergo analyses to know if you have flu?
1 Yes, a PCR test (virus search, on a nasal swab in the back of the nose) 1 #yes
5 Yes, a rapid detection test (result available in less than an hour) 2 #yes_antigenic
3 Not yet, I have a prescription and plan to shortly undergo a test 3 #plan
4 No, I have a prescription but will not undergo the test 4 #wontgo
0 No 5 #no
  • Shown if symptoms($Q1) and Q36=#yes


single_choice 34
Do you already get the result of this test?
1 Yes, Positive for influenza 1 #positive
2 Yes, Negative for influenza 2 #negative
3 Yes, the result is non interpretable 3 #not_interpretable
4 No, I do not have the result yet 4 #no
  • Shown if to $Qcov19.#yes or $Qcov19.#antigenic


multiple_choice 35
Because of your symptoms, did you VISIT (see face to face or teleconsultation, at home or at physician’s office) any of medical services?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • To find out whether people contact the health services because of their symptoms.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Tick all of those that apply. If you are due to see attend, then tick the final option.
  • Will need to be adjusted to suit different countries.
0 No 1 #no
1 GP or GP’s practice nurse 2 #gp
2 Hospital admission 3 #hospital
3 Hospital accident & emergency department/out of hours service 4 #emergency
4 Other medical services 5 #other
5 No, but I have an appointment scheduled 6 #plan
  • Shown if symptoms and and $Q36 = #yes
  • #plan is exclusive with others


matrix 36
How soon after your symptoms appeared did you first visit this medical service?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • To find out how quickly people with symptoms are seen by the health services.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Only record the time until your FIRST contact with the health services.
Data type of data input(s)
0 Same day 1 #same
1 1 day 2 #days1
2 2 days 3 #days2
3 3 days 4 #days3
4 4 days 5 #days4
5 5-7 days 6 #days5_7
6 More than 7 days 7 #over7d
7 I don’t know 8 #dontknow
row1 GP 1 #row_1
row2 Hospital admission 2 #row_2
row3 Hospital accident & emergency department/out of hours service 3 #row_3
row4 Other medical services 4 #row_4
col1 Medical Service 1 #col_1
  • Shown if symptoms
  • This should be asked for each option ticked in the previous question $Q7 (except “No” or “Not yet”)
  • Table for each entry in the previous question. And then drop-down within each cell for the delays. Last year we had it as a table of radio boxes, but it displayed the same table no matter which options were chosen in Weekly Q7 – it would be nice if it only displayed the options selected in Weekly Q7


multiple_choice 37 Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
Because of your symptoms, did you contact via TELEPHONE or INTERNET any of medical services?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • To find out whether people contact the health services because of their symptoms.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Tick all options that apply
  • This is the UK version. Will need to be adjusted to suit different countries.
0 No 1 #no
1 GP - spoke to receptionist only 2 #reception
2 GP - spoke to the doctor or nurse 3 #doctor
3 NHS Direct or similar 4 #nhs
4 NPFS 5 #npfs
5 Other 6 #other
  • Shown if symptoms
  • [No] is exclusive with other responses


single_choice 38 Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
How soon after your symptoms appeared did you first contact via telephone or internet this medical service?
0 Same day 1 #same
1 1 day 2 #days_1
2 2 days 3 #days_2
3 3 days 4 #days_3
4 4 days 5 #days_4
5 5-7 days 6 #days_5_7
6 More than 7 days 7 #over7d
7 I don’t know 8 #dontknow
  • Shown if symptoms
  • This should be asked for each option ticked in the previous question (except [No]) Preferably, it only displays the options selected in Weekly Q8.


single_choice 39
What is the main reason for which you did not consult any health professional for the symptoms you declared today?
1 My symptoms appeared very recently 1 #recently
2 My symptoms are mild 2 #mild
3 I have often these symptoms 3 #often
4 I think I know what I have and I use self-medication 4 #self_medic
5 I think there is no effective treatment for the disease I have 5 #no_treatment
6 It is too hard to get an appointment quickly 6 #too_hard
7 I do not have time 7 #have_no_time
8 For financial reasons 8 #financial
9 For fear of consequences if the doctor thinks I have COVID-19 9 #fear_covid19
11 Because I am vaccinated against COVID-19 10 #vaccinated_covid19
10 For another reason (specify)
  • open field
11 #other
99 I don’t know/don’t want to answer 12 #dontknow
  • Shown if $Q7[no] and $Q8[no]


text 40
  • open field for Qcov18b.10


single_choice 41 Inactive Removed at 2020-11-10
Can you specify which consequences you mainly fear?
1 Have to do a diagnostic test 1 #do_test
2 Have to be isolated 2 #isolated
3 Have to stop working 3 #stop_working
4 to be judged by others 4 #judged
5 to be excluded by others 5 #excluded
6 another consequence
  • open textual field
6 #other
  • Shown if to $Qcov18{9}


text 42 Inactive Removed at 2020-11-10
  • open field


single_choice 43 Inactive Added at 2020-03-13 Removed at 2020-06-20
Because of your symptoms, did you call [write the COVID-19 emergency line of your country]?
1 yes 1 #yes
0 no 2 #no
2 I don’t know 3 #dontknow


single_choice 44 Inactive Added at 2020-03-13 Removed at 2021-11-10
Because of your symptoms, did you call [EMERGENCY NUMBER FOR YOUR COUNTRY]?
1 yes 1 #yes
0 no 2 #no
2 I don’t know 3 #dontknow


single_choice 45 Inactive Added at 2020-03-13 Removed at 2020-06-20
Because of your symptoms, did you wear a mask (surgical mask sold in pharmacies)?
1 yes 1 #yes
2 No, I would have liked but could not find any 2 #not_found
0 No 3 #no


multiple_choice 46
Did you take medication for these symptoms?
  • This is adapted to the UK situation. Other countries will need to adapt the brand names of the commonly used pain killers or antipyretics
  • Needs to have a check so that participants can’t give inconsistent answers.
  • Extra country specific options – mapped to “other” in standardised database
Added at [OrderedDict([('platforms', ['FR']), ('date', '2013-11-25')])] Added at [OrderedDict([('platforms', ['FR']), ('date', '2014-11-25')])]
0 No medication 1 #no
1 Pain killers (e.g. paracetamol, lemsip, ibuprofen, aspirin, calpol, etc) 2 #pain
2 Cough medication (e.g. expectorants) 3 #cough
3 Antivirals against Influenza (Tamiflu) 4 #antiviral
4 Antibiotics 5 #antibio
7 Homeopathy
  • French item
6 #homeo optional
  • FR
8 Alternative medicine (essential oil, phytotherapy, etc.)
  • French item
7 #alternative optional
  • FR
5 Other 8 #other
6 Don't know/Can't remember 9 #dontknow
  • Shown if symptoms($Q1) and $Q36=#yes
  • #no and #dontknow are exclusives to others


single_choice 47 Inactive Removed at 2020-11-10
How much time passed between the beginning of your symptoms did you start taking this medication?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • Antivirals are thought to be most effective if taken quickly after disease onset.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Report the time until you first started taking antivirals (which may not be the same day as you got your prescription).
0 Same day 1 #same
1 1 day 2 #days_1
2 2 days 3 #days_2
3 3 days 4 #days_3
4 4 days 5 #days_4
5 5-7 days 6 #days_5-7
6 More than 7 days 7 #over7
7 I don’t know/Can’t remember 8 #dontknow
  • Shown if $Q9.#antiviral


single_choice 48 optional
Because of your symptoms, were you hospitalized?
  • In proposal
1 Yes 1 #yes
0 No 2 #no
  • Shown if symptoms and $Q36=#yes
Platforms implementing this question
  • FR


single_choice 49
Did you change your daily routine because of your illness?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • To measure how people’s daily lives are affected by their symptoms.
  • How should I answer it?
  • We want to know if you were absent from work or school as a result of your illness, or if you changed your routine in other ways (e.g. stopped attending clubs).
0 No 1 #no
1 Yes, but I did not take time off school or work 2 #yes
2 Yes, I took time off school or work 3 #off
  • Shown if symptoms and $Q36=#yes


single_choice 50
Are you still off work/school?
0 Yes 1 #yes
1 No 2 #no
3 Other (e.g. I wouldn’t usually be at work/school today anyway 3 #other
  • Shown if symptoms and $Q10#yes


single_choice 51
How long have you been off work/school?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • To measure the effect of symptoms on people’s daily lives.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Only count the days that you normally would have been in school or work (e.g. don’t count weekends).
0 1 day 1 #days_1
1 2 days 2 #days_2
2 3 days 3 #days_3
3 4 days 4 #days_4
4 5 days 5 #days_5
5 6 to 10 days 6 #days_6_10
6 11 to 15 days 7 #days_11_15
7 More than 15 days 8 #over15
  • Shown if symptoms and $Q10[Yes, I took time off school or work]


multiple_choice 52 Added at 2020-03-12
During this episode, which of the following measures did you use?
1 Increase the frequency of washing or disinfecting 1 #wash_hands
2 Cough or sneeze into your elbow 2 #cough_elbow
3 Use a disposable tissue 3 #use_tissue
4 Wear a disposable mask outside home, in places where it is not mandatory 4 #wear_mask
17 Wear a disposable mask at home 5 #wear_mask_home
5 Avoid shaking hands 6 #avoid_shakehands
11 Stop greeting by hugging and/or kissing on both cheeks 7 #stop_hug
6 Limit your use of public transport 8 #public_transport
7 Avoid gatherings (going to the theater, cinema, stadium, supermarket, etc.) 9 #option_8
8 Stay at home 10 #stay_home
9 Telework or increase your number of telework days 11 #telework
10 Avoid travel outside your own country or region 12 #avoid_travel
13 Have your food/shopping delivered by a store or a friend/family member 13 #food_delivered
18 Isolation from people you live with 14 #isolate_home
14 Avoid seeing friends and family (who do not live with you) 15 #avoid_friends
15 Avoid being in contact with people over 65 years old or with a chronic disease 16 #avoid_at_risk
16 Avoid being in contact with children 17 #avoid_children
12 None of these measures 18 #none
  • Option #none is exclusive with other responses
  • Shown if symptoms($Q1) and $Q36#yes


matrix 53 Added at 2020-03-12 Removed at [OrderedDict([('date', '2020-11-10'), ('comment', 'Replaced by previous version Qcov7')])]
Because of your symptoms, have you taken or strengthened one or more of the following measures?
Data type of data input(s)
  • code row12 is reserved to keep compatibility with Qcov7 (none of this measure)
1 Yes 1 #yes
2 No, because I was already taking this measure 2 #already
3 No 3 #no
4 Not applicable 4 #not_applicable
row1 Regularly wash or disinfect hands 1 #wash_hands
row2 Cough or sneeze into your elbow 2 #cough_elbow
row3 Use a disposable tissue 3 #use_tissue
row4a Wear a mask (cloth mask or disposable mask) outside my home 4 #wear_mask_outside
row4b Wear a mask (cloth mask or disposable mask) inside my home 5 #wear_mask_inside
row5 Avoid shaking hands 6 #avoid_shaking
row11 Stop greeting by hugging and/or kissing on both cheeks 7 #stop_hug
row6 Limit your use of public transport 8 #public_transport
row7 Avoid gatherings (going to the theater, cinema, stadium, supermarket, etc.) 9 #gatherings
row8 Stay at home 10 #stay_home
row9 Telework or increase your number of telework days 11 #telework
row10 Avoid travel outside your own country or region 12 #travel
row13 Have your food-shopping delivered by a store or a friend/family member 13 #food_delivered
row14 Avoid seeing friends and family 14 #avoid_friends
row15 Avoid being in contact with people over 65 years or with a chronic disease 15 #avoid_at_risk
row16 Avoid being in contact with children 16 #avoid_children
col1 1 #col_1


single_choice 54
What do you think is causing your symptoms?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • To help find out if our assessment of your illness based on your symptoms matches what you believe to be the cause. You might have a better idea of what is causing your illness than our computer algorithms.
  • How should I answer it?
  • If you are reasonably sure about what is causing your symptoms, please tick the appropriate box. Otherwise, please tick “I don’t know”.
Added at 2020-03-12
0 Flu or flu-like illness 1 #ili
9 New coronavirus (COVID-19) 2 #covid
1 Common cold 3 #cold
2 Allergy 4 #allergy
6 Ashtma 5 #asthma
3 Gastroenteritis/gastric flu 6 #gastro
4 Other 7 #other
5 I don’t know 8 #dontknow
7 Doctor said it's ILI 9 specific
  • FR
8 Doctor said it's other diagnosis 10 specific
  • FR
  • Shown if symptoms($Q1) and $Q36=#yes


multiple_choice 55 Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
For which reason(s) do you think you have this disease? (select all the relevant answers)
1 My doctor told me I have this disease 1 #doctor
2 I had a laboratory confirmation that I have this disease 2 #lab_confirm
3 I had direct contact with a laboratory confirmed case 3 #contact_confirm
4 I had close contact with someone for whom a doctor diagnosed this disease 4 #contact_diag
5 I was in close contact with someone presenting symptoms of this disease 5 #contact_sympt
6 I was at an event/location with a confirmed case 6 #event_confirm
7 I think I have this disease 7 #think
  • If $Q11.#covid


single_choice 56 Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
Have you informed people who have been in close contact with you about your suspicion of COVID-19 infection?
1 yes 1 #yes
2 Some of them 2 #some
0 No 3 #no
  • If $Q11.#covid


multiple_choice 57
Since the beginning of COVID-19 lockdown measures, do you carry out a professional activity? (Select all the relevant answers)?
1 yes, I work from home 1 #work_home
2 yes, I work outside home 2 #work_outside
3 no, I have a leave of absence to take care of my kid(s) 3 #absence_child
4 no, I have a sick leave (because of COVID-19) 4 #absence_sick
5 No, I have another situation (retired, job-seeker, student, house-wife/husband, other sick-leave, partial unemployment, forced leave…) 5 #other
Platforms implementing this question
  • IT
  • FR


single_choice 58
How many days a week do you work outside from home?
1 1 1 #option_1
2 2 2 #option_2
3 3 3 #option_3
4 4 4 #option_4
5 5 5 #option_5
6 6 6 #option_6
7 7 7 #option_7
Platforms implementing this question
  • IT


single_choice 59
Over recent days, at which frequency did you go out of home to buy products, on average?
1 I do not go out of home anymore 1 #option_1
2 Less than once a week 2 #option_2
3 Once a week 3 #option_3
4 2 to 6 times a week 4 #option_4
5 Once a day 5 #option_5
6 Several times a day 6 #option_6
Platforms implementing this question
  • IT


single_choice 60
Over recent days, at which frequency did you go out of home to get fresh air or exercise (outside your home, balcony, garden, private courtyard), on average?
1 I do not go out of home anymore 1 #option_1
2 Less than once a week 2 #option_2
3 Once a week 3 #option_3
4 2 to 6 times a week 4 #option_4
5 Once a day 5 #option_5
6 Several times a day 6 #option_6
Platforms implementing this question
  • IT


single_choice 61
Over the course of yesterday, how many people (outside your household) did you approach at a distance lower than 1 meter?
0 0 1 #option_1
1 1 2 #option_2
2 2 to 5 3 #option_3
3 6 to 10 4 #option_4
4 More than 10 5 #option_5
Platforms implementing this question
  • IT


multiple_choice 62 Inactive
If lockdown measures were lifted up, but collective childcare/schools/university were closed, what would be your situation? (Select all the relevant answers)
1 I would work from home 1 #option_1
2 I would work from outside home 2 #option_2
3 I would have a leave of absence to take care of my kid(s) 3 #option_3
4 I would have a sick leave (because of COVID-19) 4 #option_4
5 I would be in another situation (retired, job-seeker, student, house-wife/husband, other sick-leave, partial unemployment, forced leave…) 5 #option_5
6 I don’t know 6 #option_6
Platforms implementing this question
  • IT


single_choice 63 Inactive
How many days a week would you work outside from home?
1 1 1 #option_1
2 2 2 #option_2
3 3 3 #option_3
4 4 4 #option_4
5 5 5 #option_5
6 6 6 #option_6
7 7 7 #option_7
Platforms implementing this question
  • IT


single_choice 64 Inactive
If lockdown measures were extended (that is to say, continued beyond the date announced by the government), do you think you would follow the recommendations with as much rigour as you do now?
4 Yes, absolutely 1 #option_1
3 Yes, moderately 2 #option_2
2 No, not really 3 #option_3
1 No, not at all 4 #option_4
99 I don’t know 5 #option_5


single_choice 65 Inactive Added at 2020-04-28 Removed at 2020-09-21
Since January 2020, did you undergo a laboratory test to know if you have been in contact with this new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19)?
1 Yes 1 #option_1
0 No 2 #option_2


multiple_choice 66 Inactive Removed at 2020-09-21
What was the result of this (these) analysis? (if you realized several analyses, please give the results of all these analyses)
1 Positive for this coronavirus, on a swab in nose or mouth, or a sputum or saliva sample (PCR) 1 #option_1
2 Negative for this coronavirus, on a swab in nose or mouth, or a sputum or saliva sample (PCR) 2 #option_2
3 Positive for this coronavirus on a blood sample (serology) 3 #option_3
4 Negative for this coronavirus on a blood sample (serology) 4 #option_4
5 Positive, but I don’t know which test was done (it showed that I was infected by the coronavirus) 5 #option_5
6 Negative, but I don’t know which test was done (it showed that I was not infected by the coronavirus) 6 #option_6
7 The result was not interpretable 7 #option_7
8 I don’t know the result 8 #option_8
