Survey intake

JSON Version b607c134ba005cc37f97a0060b59db116e3a04d1, built on 2022-03-24 17:02:12.245874

This file describes the survey design at a high level defining elements to enable data sharing and common elements. Legends are presented at the bottom of this file. Documentation is also available


single_choice 1 all
For whom are you filling in this survey?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • COVID-19 and flu are thought to spread very effectively at home, so it's important to know which Flusurvey (or Influweb or Influensakoll or…) participants live in the same household.
  • How should I answer it?
  • A household member is defined as a someone (not necessarily related) who lives at the same address as you and who shares cooking facilities and a living room, sitting room or dining area
1 A member of my household 1 #member
0 Myself 2 #myself
2 Someone else 3 #other
  • Question to be asked when adding another participant. For each additional person that a person registered this question should be asked. If a person just registers and enters data for himself, then this question should not be asked.


single_choice 2 all
What is your gender?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • To find out whether the chance of getting COVID-19 or flu are different between men and women.
0 Male 1 #male
1 Female 2 #female
2 Other 3 #other optional
  • IT


date 3 all
What is your date of birth (month and year)?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • The chance of getting COVID-19 and flu and the risk of more serious complications vary by age.


text 4 all
What is the first part of your home postcode (the part before the space)?
  • Code representing the location of the participant, at the level the platform want to register it


single_choice 5 all
What is your current professional status?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • To check how representative our sample is compared to the population as a whole, and to find out whether the chance of getting COVID-19 or flu are different for people in different types of occupation.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Please tick the box that most closely resembles your main occupation. For pre-school children who don’t go to daycare tick the “other” box.
0 Paid employment 1 #fulltime
1 Paid employment, part time 2 #partial
2 Self-employed (businessman, farmer, tradesman, etc.) 3 #self
3 Attending daycare/school/college/university 4 #student
4 Home-maker (e.g. housewife) 5 #home
5 Unemployed 6 #unemployed
6 Long-term sick-leave or parental leave 7 #sick
7 Retired 8 #retired
8 Other 9 #other


single_choice 6 all
What is the first part of your school/college/workplace postcode?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • To find out roughly how far you travel on a regular basis.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Please choose the first part of the post-code (the part before the space).
1 #code
1 I don’t know 2 #dontknow
  • Shown If [Yes, Paid employment full time], or [Yes, paid employment part time] to $Q4
  • If '0', then ask for $Q4b_0_open, as a extra field


text 7
  • extra field not shown
  • Shown when $Q4b.0 is selected


single_choice 8 all Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
Which of the following descriptions most closely matches with your main occupation?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • To check how representative our sample is compared to the population as a whole and to find out whether the chance of getting COVID-19 or flu are different for people in different types of occupation.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Please tick the box that most closely resembles your main occupation.
  • replaced by Q4h
0 Professional (e.g. manager, doctor, teacher, nurse, engineer) 1 #prof
1 Office work (e.g. admin, finance assistant, receptionist etc) 2 #office
2 Retail, sales, catering and hospitality and leisure (e.g. shop assistant, waiter, bar-staff, gym instructor etc) 3 #shop
3 Skilled manual worker (e.g. mechanic, electrician, technician) 4 #worker
4 Other manual work 5 #other_manual
5 Other 6 #other
  • If #fulltime, or #partial to $Q4
  • Trigger free text if #other checked, allow the users to write in their occupation


single_choice 9 all Added at 2021-11-10
Which of the following descriptions most closely matches with your main occupation?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • To check how representative our sample is compared to the population as a whole and to find out whether the chance of getting COVID-19 or flu are different for people in different types of occupation.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Please tick the box that most closely resembles your main occupation.
  • Responses changed, to correspond to Eurostat categories:
2 Services and sales workers (Personal Services Workers, Sales Workers, Personal Care Workers, Protective Services Workers) 1 #service
3 Craft and related trades workers (Handicraft and printing workers, Food processing, wood working, garment and other craft and related trades workers, Metal, machinery and related trades workers, Electrical and electronic trades workers, Building and related trades workers, excluding electricians) 2 #worker
6 Armed forces occupations (Commissioned armed forces officers, Armed forces occupations other ranks, Non-commissioned armed forces officers) 3 #army
7 Managers (Chief Executives, Senior Officials and Legislators, Administrative and Commercial Managers, Production and Specialized Services Managers, Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers) 4 #manager
8 Professionals (Science and Engineering Professionals, Health Professionals, Teaching Professionals, Business and Administration Professionals, Information and Communications Technology Professionals, Legal, Social and Cultural Professionals) 5 #professional
9 Technicians and associate professionals (Science and Engineering Associate Professionals, Health Associate Professionals, Business and Administration Associate Professionals, Legal, Social, Cultural and Related Associate Professionals, Information and Communications Technicians) 6 #tech
10 Clerical support workers (General and Keyboard Clerks, Customer Services Clerks, Numerical and Material Recording Clerks, Other Clerical Support Workers) 7 #clerical
11 Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers 8 #agriculture
12 Plant and machine operators and assemblers (Stationary Plant and Machine Operators, Assemblers, Drivers and Mobile Plant Operators) 9 #operator
13 Elementary occupations (Cleaners and Helpers, Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Labourers, Labourers in Mining, Construction, Manufacturing and Transport, Food Preparation Assistants, Street and Related Sales and Services Workers, Refuse Workers and Other Elementary Workers) 10 #elementary
5 Other 11 #other
  • If #fulltime, or #partial or #self to $Q4
  • Trigger free text if #other checked, allow the users to write in their occupation


multiple_choice 10 all
What is the highest level of formal education/qualification that you have?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • To check how representative our sample is compared to the population of the UK (Italy, Belgium, etc…. ) as a whole.
  • How should I answer it?
  • - Please choose the box that represents your HIGHEST level of educational achievement. The different options roughly equate to: No qualifications
  • - school-leaving exams at around 16 years of age
  • - school-leaving exams at around 18 years of age
  • - University degree, or equivalent professional qualification
  • - Higher degree or advanced professional qualification
  • If you are an adult who is currently undergoing part-time training (e.g. night-school) then tick the box that represents your current highest level of education.
  • This is the UK version. #option_2 is exams taken at the time of early school leaving (16 in the UK), #option_3 for late school leaving (18 in the UK). The others are for degrees, or higher qualifications, which should be fairly comparable across Europe.
  • The questions that you should ask at the options #option_2 and #option_3, are related to exams taken at early and late school leaving ages.
0 I have no formal qualification 1 #noqualif
1 GCSEs, levels, CSEs or equivalent 2 #gcse
2 A-levels or equivalent (e.g. Higher, NVQ Level3, BTEC) 3 #alevel
3 Bachelor Degree (BA, BSc) or equivalent 4 #bachelor
4 Higher Degree or equivalent (e.g. Masters Degree, PGCE, PhD, Medical Doctorate, Advanced Professional Award) 5 #higher
5 I am still in education 6 #student
  • shown if age 16 and over


multiple_choice 11 all
Except people you meet during your public transports or shopping, do you have contact with any of the following during the course of a typical day? (Select all options that apply, if any)
0 More than 10 children or teenagers over the course of the day (without counting your own children) 1 #children
1 More than 10 people aged over 65 over the course of day 2 #elder
2 Patients 3 #patient
3 Groups of people (more than 10 individuals at any one time) 4 #crowd
4 None of the above 5 #none
  • #none is exclusive with others


multiple_choice 12 all
INCLUDING YOU, how many people in each of the following age groups live in your household?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • Members of larger households, or those with children, may be more likely to catch COVID-19 or flu than others.
  • How should I answer it?
  • A household is defined as a group of people (not necessarily related) living at the same address who share cooking facilities and share a living room, sitting room or dining area.
  • This should be a table with the 1st column being the age groups (as above), and the 2nd column being numbers, 0,1,2,3,4,5+. It should be PRE-FILLED with zeros.
  • Preferably to be pre-filled for multiple users of a single account, if they’re in the same household?
0 0-4 years
  • matrix-like option, with drop down menu
1 #house_0_5
1 5-18 years
  • matrix-like option, with drop down menu
2 #house_5_18
2 19-44 years
  • matrix-like option, with drop down menu
3 #house_19_44
3 45-64 years
  • matrix-like option, with drop down menu
4 #house_45_64
4 65+
  • matrix-like option, with drop down menu
5 #house_65


single_choice 13 all
How many of the children in your household go to school or day-care?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • Attending school or day-care may be a risk for acquiring COVID-19 or flu and similar illnesses. We would like to check this.
  • How should I answer it?
  • If your child attends regular school or day-care (even if this is just one day a week) then please answer yes to this. Attendance of clubs and activities does not count – even if regular.
  • Ideally, this question would only be asked if they have children aged 0-4 – or if they’re aged 0-4 themselves, and the answer would be a drop-down menu with the right number of options.
  • Preferably, this be pre-filled for multiple users of a single account, if they’re in the same household
0 None 1 #none
1 1 2 #n_1
2 2 3 #n_2
3 3 4 #n_3
4 4 5 #n_4
5 5 6 #n_5
99 More than 5 7 #more_5


single_choice 14 all Added at 2021-11-10
One or several of these people are they at risk of complications in case of flu or COVID-19 (e.g, pregnant, over 65, underlying health condition, obese, etc.)?
1 Yes 1 #yes
0 No 2 #no
2 I don’t know/I would rather not answer 3 #dontknow
  • shown if at least one people selected at Q6
  • pre-filled #yes and masked if #house_65 selected in Q6


single_choice 15 all
What is your main mean of transport?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • It has been suggested that using public transport may be a risk for COVID-19 or flu. We would like to check this.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Tick the option that best represents your most normal mode of transport.
0 Walking 1 #walk
1 Bike 2 #bike
2 Motorbike/scooter 3 #scooter
3 Car 4 #car
4 Public transportation (bus, train, tube, etc) 5 #public
5 Other 6 #other


single_choice 16 all Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
On a normal day, how much time do you spend on public transport? (Bus, train, tube etc.)
  • Why are we asking this?
  • It has been suggested that using public transport may be a risk for getting COVID-19 or flu. We would like to check this.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Think of a typical day. If you use several different forms of public transport each day, remember to include all journeys. Don’t include taxis or other forms of private transport.
0 No time at all 1 #no
1 0-30 minutes 2 #half
2 30 minutes - 1.5 hours 3 #hour
3 1.5 hours - 4 hours 4 #less4h
4 Over 4 hours 5 #more4h


single_choice 17 optional
How often do you have common colds or flu-like diseases?
  • Not a core question.
0 Never 1 #never
1 Once or twice a year 2 #once
2 Between 3 and 5 times a year 3 #times_3
3 Between 6 and 10 times a year 4 #times_6
4 More than 10 times a year 5 #times_10
5 I don’t know 6 #dontknow


single_choice 18 all Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
Did you receive a flu vaccine during the last autumn/winter season?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • We would like to be able to work out how much protection the vaccine gives.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Report yes, if you received the vaccine this season, usually in the autumn. If you get vaccinated after filling in this questionnaire, please return to this and update your answer.
  • Transfered in vaccination survey from 2021-11 version
  • Note that the years will need to be changed each year.
0 Yes 1 #yes
1 No 2 #no
2 I don’t know 3 #dontknow


single_choice 19 all Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
Did you receive a flu vaccine this winter season?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • We would like to be able to work out how much protection the vaccine gives. We would also like to find out if there is some protection from vaccines received in previous years.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Answer yes if you received the vaccine last year (during the autumn/winter of 2010-2011).
  • Transfered in vaccination survey from 2021-11 version
  • Note that the years will need to be changed each year.
0 Yes 1 #yes
1 No 2 #no
2 I don’t know 3 #dontknow
  • If #yes show $Q10b and $Q10c
  • If #no show $Q10d


single_choice 20 all Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
When were you vaccinated against this flu season?
  • Transfered in vaccination survey from 2021-11 version
1 Choose date
1 #date
0 I don’t know 2 #dontknow
  • Shown if $Q10 is #yes


multiple_choice 21 all Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
What were your reasons for getting a seasonal influenza vaccination this year?
  • Transfered in vaccination survey from 2021-11 version
0 I belong to a risk group (e.g, pregnant, over 65, underlying health condition, etc) 1 #riskgroup
12 The COVID-19 context encouraged me to get influenza vaccination this year 12 2 #covid19
  • FR
1 Vaccination decreases my risk of getting the flu 3 #myrisk
2 Vaccination decreases the risk of spreading the flu to others 4 #spread
3 My doctor recommended it 5 #doctor
4 It was recommended in my workplace/school 6 #work
5 The vaccine was readily available and vaccine administration was convenient 7 #available
6 The vaccine was free 8 #free
7 I don’t want to miss work/school 9 #miss
8 I always get the vaccine 10 #always
9 Other reasons 11 #other
  • Shown if Q10 is #yes


multiple_choice 22 all Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
What were your reasons for NOT getting a seasonal influenza vaccination this year?
  • Transfered in vaccination survey from 2021-11 version
0 I am planning to be vaccinated but haven’t been yet 1 #plan
1 I haven’t been offered the vaccine 2 #offer
2 I don’t belong to a risk group 3 #risk_group
3 It is better to build your own natural immunity against influenza 4 #own_immunity
4 I doubt that the influenza vaccine is effective 5 #doubt
5 Influenza is a minor illness 6 #minor_illness
17 Because of COVID-19 pandemic, I avoid seing doctors or going to the pharmacy 7 #avoid_healthseek
  • FR
18 I am afraid that influenza vaccine would increase my risk of getting COVID-19 8 #risk_covid
  • FR
19 Other reason linked with COVID-19 (open field)
  • Open field with textual response
9 #covid_other
  • FR
6 I don’t think I am likely to get the flu 10 #likely
7 I believe that influenza vaccine can cause influenza 11 #cause_flu
8 I am worried that the vaccine is not safe or will cause illness or other adverse events 12 #safety
9 I don’t like having vaccinations 13 #vaccin
10 The vaccine is not readily available for me 14 #not_available
11 The vaccine is not free of charge 15 #free
12 No particular reason 16 #no_reason
13 Although my doctor recommended a vaccine, I did not get one 17 #doctor
14 Other reason(s) 18 #other


text 23 optional Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
Virtual question holding data from extra field of $Q10d.19
  • Transfered in vaccination survey from 2021-11 version
  • shown if $Q10d.19


single_choice 24 all Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
Have you received a COVID-19 vaccine (since December 2020)?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • We would like to be able to work out how much protection the vaccine gives.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Report yes, if you received a COVID-19 vaccine this season (since December 2020). If you get vaccinated after filling in this questionnaire, please return to this and update your answer.
  • Transfered in vaccination survey from 2021-11 version
1 Yes 1 #yes
0 No 2 #no
2 I don’t know 3 #dontknow
  • prefill with previous response


single_choice 25 Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
Which COVID-19 vaccine did you receive?
  • Transfered in vaccination survey from 2021-11 version
1 Comirnaty™ vaccine, from Pfizer/BioNTech laboratories 1 #comirnaty
2 COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna™, from Moderna laboratory 2 #moderna
3 AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine 3 #vaxzevria
4 Jonhson & Jonhson vaccine 4 #janssen
99 I don’t know/can’t remember 5 #dontknow
  • Shown if $Q35 is #yes
  • prefill with previous response


single_choice 26 Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
How many doses of this vaccine did you receive?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • We would like to be able to work out how much protection a complete vaccination scheme gives.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Report the number of doses you received (which corresponds to the number of time you were vaccinated against COVID-19 this season). If you get another dose after filling in this questionnaire, please return to this and update your answer.
  • Transfered in vaccination survey from 2021-11 version
1 One 1 #one
2 Two 2 #two
3 More than two 3 #three_more
99 I don’t know/can’t remember 4 #dontknow
  • prefill with previous response
  • Shown if $Q35 is #yes


single_choice 27 Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
When did you receive your first injection of a vaccine against COVID-19 (since December 2020)?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • Knowing when people are vaccinated tells us how well the vaccination program is being carried out.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Please try and answer as accurately as possible. If you do not know the precise date, please give your best estimate. For instance, you might remember the month, then try and remember if it was at the beginning or the end of the month. Were there any significant events (e.g. a holiday or a birthday) that might help jog your memory?
  • Transfered in vaccination survey from 2021-11 version
1 Choose date: 1 #choose_date
0 I don’t know/can’t remember 2 #dontknow
  • prefill with previous response
  • shown if $Q35 is #yes


date 28 Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
First injection date
  • extra field not shown
  • Transfered in vaccination survey from 2021-11 version
  • Show if $Q35d is #choose_date


single_choice 29
When did you receive your second injection of a vaccine against COVID-19 (since December 2020)?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • Knowing when people are vaccinated tells us how well the vaccination program is being carried out.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Please try and answer as accurately as possible. If you do not know the precise date, please give your best estimate. For instance, you might remember the month, then try and remember if it was at the beginning or the end of the month. Were there any significant events (e.g. a holiday or a birthday) that might help jog your memory?
1 Choose date: 1 #choose_date
0 I don’t know/can’t remember 2 #dontknow
  • prefill with previous response
  • Shown if $Q35c is #two or #three_more


date 30
Second injection date
  • extra field not shown
  • Show if $Q35e is #choose_date


single_choice 31 Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
Which COVID-19 vaccine did you receive for your second dose?
  • Transfered in vaccination survey from 2021-11 version
1 Comirnaty™ vaccine, from Pfizer/BioNTech laboratories 1 #comirnaty
2 COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna™, from Moderna laboratory 2 #moderna
3 AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine 3 #vaxzevria
4 Jonhson & Jonhson vaccine 4 #janssen
99 I don’t know/can’t remember 5 #dontknow
  • Shown if $Q35c is #two or #three_more
  • prefill with previous response


multiple_choice 32 Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
What were your reasons for getting a COVID-19 vaccination? (Select all options that apply)
  • Why are we asking this?
  • We would like to know why some people get the vaccine, and other don’t get it.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Please select all the answers who mattered to take your decision.
  • Transfered in vaccination survey from 2021-11 version
21 The vaccination is recommended by public health authorities 1 #recommended_by_pha
0 I belong to a group who is at risk of complications in case of COVID-19 (over 65, underlying health condition, obesity, etc.) 2 #belong_atrisk
20 I work in close contact with people at risk of complications in case of COVID-19 (working in a nursing home, health staff…) 3 #work_contact_atrisk
1 Vaccination decreases my risk of getting COVID-19 4 #decrease_my_risk
2 Vaccination decreases the risk of spreading COVID-19 to others 5 #decrease_spread
3 My doctor recommended it 6 #recommended_doctor
4 It was recommended in my workplace/school 7 #recommended_work
5 The vaccine was readily available and vaccine administration was convenient 8 #availability
6 The vaccine was free (no cost) 9 #free
7 I don’t want to miss work/school 10 #miss_work
8 I always get the vaccine 11 #always
9 Other reason(s) 12 #other
  • prefill with previous response
  • Shown if $Q35 is #yes


text 33 Inactive Removed at 2021-11-10
Covid vaccination reasons other
  • extra field not shown
  • Transfered in vaccination survey from 2021-11 version
  • Show if $Q35f is {9}


multiple_choice 34 all
Do you take regular medication for any of the following medical conditions?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • This question allows us to find out whether you have other medical conditions that may increase your risk of having more severe illness if you are infected with COVID-19 or flu.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Only answer “yes” if you take regular medication for your medical problem. If, for instance, you only occasionally take an asthma inhaler, then do not answer “yes” for asthma.
0 No 1 #none
1 Asthma 2 #asthma
2 Diabetes 3 #diabetes
3 Chronic lung disorder besides asthma e.g. COPD, emphysema, or other disorders that affect your breathing 4 #lung
4 Heart disorder 5 #heart
5 Kidney disorder 6 #kidney
6 An immunocompromising condition (e.g. splenectomy, organ transplant, acquired immune deficiency, cancer treatment) 7 #immuno
7 I would rather not answer 8 #noanswer optional
  • IT


single_choice 35 all
Are you currently pregnant?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • Pregnancy can result in more severe illness if you are infected with COVID-19 or flu.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Answer yes if you are pregnant today.
0 Yes 1 #yes
1 No 2 #no
2 I don’t know/I would rather not answer 3 #dontknow
  • Only asked of women between ages 15 and 50)
  • if [Yes] show Q13b


single_choice 36
Which trimester of the pregnancy are you in?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • The stage of pregnancy might alter your risk of severe COVID-19 or flu if you are infected, although this is not very clear.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Which trimester are you in today?
0 First trimester (week 1-12) 1 #first
1 Second trimester (week 13-28) 2 #second
2 Third trimester (week 29-delivery) 3 #third
3 Don’t know/would rather not answer 4 #dontknow
  • Shown if [Yes] in Q12


single_choice 37
Do you smoke tobacco?
  • Why are we asking this?
  • Smoking might make you more likely to get a more severe dose of COVID-19 or flu. We would like to test this.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Please answer as accurately as possible. If you smoke other products (e.g. a pipe or cigars), then indicate roughly how many times a day.
0 No 1 #no
1 Yes, occasionally 2 #occas
2 Yes, daily, fewer than 10 times a day 3 #daily_few
3 Yes, daily, 10 or more times a day 4 #daily_more
4 Don’t know/would rather not answer 5 #dontknow


multiple_choice 38 all
Do you have any of the following allergies that can cause respiratory symptoms? (select all options that apply)
  • Why are we asking this?
  • Some allergic reactions can have similar symptoms to respiratory infection.
  • How should I answer it?
  • Tick all the options that apply. We are only interested in those allergies that cause respiratory symptoms (i.e. sneezing, runny nose, runny eyes).
1 Hay fever 1 #hay
2 Allergy against house dust mite 2 #dust
3 Allergy against domestic animals or pets 3 #pets
4 Other allergies that cause respiratory symptoms (e.g. sneezing, runny eyes) 4 #other
5 I do not have an allergy that causes respiratory symptoms 5 #none
  • Item #option_5 is exclusive with others to ensure consistency


multiple_choice 39 optional
Do you follow a special diet? (Select all options that apply)
0 No special diet 1 #standard
1 Vegetarian 2 #vegetarian
2 Vegan 3 #vegan
3 Low calorie 4 #lowcal
4 Other 5 #other
  • Item #option_1 is exclusive with others to ensure consistency


multiple_choice 40 optional
Do you have pets at home? (Select all options that apply)
0 No 1 #none
1 Yes, one or more dogs 2 #dog
2 Yes, one or more cats 3 #cat
3 Yes, one or more birds 4 #bird
4 Yes, one or more other animals 5 #other
  • #none is exclusive with other responses


multiple_choice 41 optional
Where did you first hear about the platform?
0 On radio or television 1 #radio
1 In the newspaper or in a magazine 2 #newspaper
2 Via an internet site (search engine or link) 3 #internet
3 By poster 4 #poster
4 Via family or friends 5 #family
5 Via school or work 6 #work
6 Via Health worker 7 #healthworker optional
  • FR
7 Via someone working on the project 8 #project optional
  • FR
8 Via Institutional website 9 #webinstit optional
  • FR
9 Information website 10 #webinfo optional
  • FR
10 Health Information website 11 #websante optional
  • FR
12 Social network 12 #social optional
  • FR
13 Other 13 #other optional
  • FR


single_choice 42 optional
Are you taking or do you plan to take this winter homeopathic medicine in order to prevent COVID-19?
1 Yes 1 #yes
0 No 2 #no
2 I don’t know 3 #dontknow
3 I don’t want to answer 4 #noanswer
Platforms implementing this question
  • FR
