The purpose of this format is to describe a survey and it’s element in order to create documentation and facilitate survey maintenance and migration between legacy influenzanet platform and the new system. It’s not as precise as a technical implementation for a survey engine (where a lot of technical details are specified).
A survey is defined as a set of Questions.
Question is a the main element of a survey structure. One question contains textual fields to describe the expected data to be collected.
Common fields:
- title: Label of the question as to be presented to the user (after translation).
- type : Kind of Question. Define how the data collection is organized
- description : Textual description of the question to the final user. Can be a string or an array of strings.
- data_name: name to be used to identify the question in the data
- active : can be used to indicate the question is inactive (value=”false”)
- comment : Textual comments about the question for survey designer/scientific aspects. Can be a string or an array of strings.
- mandatory: is the field needs to be mandatory
- added_at: date when the question has been added
- removed_at: date when the question has been removed
- data_type: Can be used to describe the expected type of data to be collected from the data elements (numeric, text, date)
- rules: list of rules (textual description to be applied on this question). Array of strings.
- platforms: list of platforms (country code in upper case, e.g. ‘UK’) where the question is implemented if this item is specific.
- target: Target platforms, can be “all” (core question, expected every where) or “optional” (up to each platform to decide)
For type in ‘text’, ‘date’:
- format : for textual format describe how data of each data element must be entered (date, numeric, )
For type in ‘single_choice’, ‘multiple_choice’, ‘matrix’:
- possible_responses : list of possible responses, see Responses
For ‘matrix’ questions
- rows: list of rows
- colums: list of columns
Question types
- text: textual input (free text), with possible restriction/format
- single_choice: single response
- multiple_choice: several responses possible among a list of possibles
- matrix : rectangular
Rules are textual descriptions of conditions to apply to this questions (the runtime logic).
To facilitate reading and enable some check some syntax can be applied :
- ‘$name’ refer to question with data_name “name”
- ‘[xxx]’ refer to the label of a response ‘xxx’
- ‘#option_1’ refer to the id of the item (response, row), aka the key of the json element (not the “value”)
- {xx} refer to the value xx of the question,
- Alternatively .xx can be used for value with a question name : e.g. $Q1.1
Question name and response can be used together to refer to another question :
To sum up :
- $Q1{1} : Q1 response with value ‘1’
- $Q1.1 : Q1 with response ‘1’
- ‘[Yes]’ : Response labelled “Yes”
- $Q2[No] : Question Q2 with response “No”
- $Q1#option_1 : Question Q1, with response in with json key ‘option_1’ (no necessarily the ‘value’ to store for this response).s
Keys in options list are only to be used as local identifier (like database id)
Define possible response for a question input element (single, multiple, )
- text : response label
- comment : Comment about interpretation or presentation of item. Can be a string or an array of strings.
- value : value use to identify this value in the output data model (key, value, or to infer field name)
- extra : data name of the question to be used as extra field (see below).
- description: Textual description to be shown to the user to give more explanation.
- platforms: list of platforms (country code in upper case, e.g. ‘UK’) or ‘all’ if it’s a core question (expected to be every where).
Extra Field: Extra field (aka “open field”) was a way to implement sub question attached to an input element (like a checkbox) to enable data enter of an extra information.
Common usage was the “Other” field. It was not presented as a sub question but as a extra input alongside the checkbox. It was implemented directly in the question as an optional extra input in the old model. The description refers to the extra element as a question itself to avoid this exception in the description model. The “extra” field allow to link both questions with the data_name of this sub question.
This description doesn’t fix how this kind of field should be presented in a survey implementation.
Matrix rows/columns
- text : response label
- comment : Comments about interpretation or presentation of item. Can be a string or an array of strings.
- value : value use to identify this value in the output data model (key, value, or to infer field name)
- platforms: list of platforms (country code in upper case, e.g. ‘UK’) or ‘all’ if it’s a core question (expected to be every where).
Each comment field can be a string or an array of string (each will be visible as separated block, in order)